Tiered cakes are extremely fragile, and we recommend delivery. Samantha Cakes N Bakes is not responsible for the cake once it leaves our possession. We will not replace or refund damaged cakes.


•Bring an enclosed, air-conditioned vehicle with a flat/level surface to set the cake on such as a minivan, SUV, station wagon or hatchback. (Seats and laps are not level!). 

 •Clear vehicle space of loose objects that could fall onto or roll into the cake. If it must go on the back seat, please level the seat first with a towel, or something sturdy. 

•Keep cake as cold as possible during transport, and away from sunlight. 

•Drive carefully. Turns, stops, and starts should be performed in an EXAGGERATEDLY SLOW manner. Avoid bumps, jiggling, hills, and use a very slow speed on curves. Visualize that you are driving with an open bucket of grape juice, and you must not slosh it whatsoever! Other drivers might give you the evil eye… that is okay; they can go around you! 



Some Fondant Figures Might Require Support..

Please be aware that your fondant pieces may contain floral wire, toothpicks, or dry spaghetti to support the structure. In larger pieces, your order may contain a Styrofoam support, wooden dowels, bubble straws, etc. Although the fondant is edible, the structural supports are not.

Tiered Cakes also require support..

Please be aware that your tiered cake may contain wooden dowels, plastic dowels, bubble straws, parchment paper, and cardboard in-between the layers. A dowel rod usually supports the entire cake for transport and goes straight down the middle of the tiers. Although the fondant is edible, the structural supports are not. 

Outdoor Cake Displays..

Should you choose to display your cake outdoor or in direct sunlight, we are not responsible for poor weather (rain or heat), or potential environmental hazards (animals, insects, debris. **Please refrigerate cakes until 1 hour prior to serving as heat especially can damage and start to melt buttercream**


Kitchen Allergens..

We are not a dairy-free, nut-free, or gluten-free kitchen. Although we have processes in place to minimize any cross contamination, we cannot ensure it will never occur. All recipes are prepared, baked, stored, and decorated on shared equipment.